Source code for msumastro.header_processing.feder

from itertools import chain
import logging
import datetime

from astropysics import obstools
import numpy as np

from fitskeyword import FITSKeyword

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ['FederSite', 'ImageSoftware', 'Instrument', 'ApogeeAltaU9',
           'MaximDL4', 'MaximDL5']

[docs]class FederSite(obstools.Site): """ The Feder Observatory site. An astropysics site with the observatory location and name pre-set to: + `lat` = 46.86678 degrees North + `long` = -96.453278 degrees East + `alt` = 311.8 meters + `name` = Feder Observatory """ def __init__(self): obstools.Site.__init__(self, lat=46.86678, long=-96.453278, alt=311.8, name='Feder Observatory')
[docs] def localSiderialTime(self, seconds_decimal=None, *arg, **kwd): try: return_type = kwd['returntype'] except KeyError: return_type = 'hours' if return_type is None or return_type == 'hours': return super(FederSite, self).localSiderialTime(*arg, **kwd) return_type = kwd.pop('returntype', None) lst = super(FederSite, self).localSiderialTime(*arg, returntype='datetime', **kwd) if seconds_decimal is not None: seconds = np.round(lst.second + lst.microsecond / 1e6, seconds_decimal) sec = microsec = - sec) * 1e6)) lst = datetime.time(lst.hour, lst.minute, sec, microsec) if return_type == 'string': lst = lst.isoformat() return lst
[docs]class Instrument(object): """ Telescope instrument with simple properties. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the instrument. fits_names : list of str List of names by which the instrument is known in FITS headers rows : int Number of rows in an image produced by this instrument, including overscan. columns : int Number of columns in an image produced by this instrument, including overscan. overscan_start : int Position at which the overscan starts. The overscan region is assumed to extend from this starting position to the edge of the image. overscan_axis : one of (1, 2) Axis along which the overscan varies. Numbers correspond to ``NAXIS1`` and ``NAXIS2`` in the FITS header. Examples -------- Consider an image whose dimensions as given in its FITS header are ``NAXIS1 = 3085`` and ``NAXIS2 = 2048`` with an overscan region that begins at position 3073 along axis 1. The correct overscan settings for this instrument are:: overscan_start = 3073 overscan_axis = 1 """ def __init__(self, name, fits_names=None, rows=0, columns=0, overscan_start=None, overscan_axis=None): = name self.fits_names = fits_names self.rows = rows self.columns = columns self.overscan_start = overscan_start self.overscan_axis = overscan_axis
[docs] def has_overscan(self, image_dimensions): """ Determine whether an image taken by this instrument has overscan Parameters ---------- image_dimensions : list-like with two elements Shape of the image; can be any type as long as it has two elements. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether or not image has overscan present. """ if (image_dimensions[self.overscan_axis - 1] > self.overscan_start): return True else: return False
[docs]class ApogeeAltaU9(Instrument): """ The Apogee Alta U9 """ def __init__(self): Instrument.__init__(self, "Apogee Alta U9", fits_names=["Apogee Alta", "Apogee USB/Net"], rows=2048, columns=3085, overscan_start=3073, overscan_axis=1)
[docs]class ImageSoftware(object): """ Represents software that takes images at telescope. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the software. Can be the same is the name in the FITS file, or not. fits_keyword : str Name of the FITS keyword that contains the name of the software. fits_name : list of str Name of the software as written in the FITS file major_version : int Major version number of the software. minor_version : int Minor version number of the software. bad_keywords : list of strings Names of any keywords that should be removed from the FITS before further processing. purged_flag_keyword : str, optional Name of the keyword which indicates whether bad keywords have already been purged. Default value is 'PURGED' """ def __init__(self, name, fits_name=None, major_version=None, minor_version=None, bad_keywords=None, fits_keyword=None, purged_flag_keyword=None): = name self.fits_name = fits_name self.major_version = major_version self.minor_version = minor_version self.bad_keywords = bad_keywords self.fits_keyword = fits_keyword self.purged_flag_keyword = purged_flag_keyword or "PURGED"
[docs] def created_this(self, version_string): """ Indicate whether version string matches this software Parameters ---------- version_string : str String from FITS header that indicates software version. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the version string matches the software instance. """ return version_string in self.fits_name
[docs]class MaximDL4(ImageSoftware): """ Represents MaximDL version 4, all sub-versions """ def __init__(self): fits_name = ['MaxIm DL Version 4.10'] super(MaximDL4, self).__init__("MaxImDL", fits_name=fits_name, major_version=4, minor_version=10, bad_keywords=['OBSERVER'], fits_keyword='SWCREATE')
[docs]class MaximDL5(ImageSoftware): """ Represents MaximDL version 5, all sub-versions. Subversions are included by listing the FITS names of all versions that have been used at Feder Observatory. """ def __init__(self): bad_keys = ['OBJECT', 'JD', 'JD-HELIO', 'OBJCTALT', 'OBJCTAZ', 'OBJCTHA', 'AIRMASS', 'OBSERVER'] fits_name = ['MaxIm DL Version 5.21 130912 01A17', 'MaxIm DL Version 5.21 120829 2R1M0', 'MaxIm DL Version 5.23 130912 01A17'] super(MaximDL5, self).__init__("MaxImDL", fits_name=fits_name, major_version=5, minor_version=21, bad_keywords=bad_keys, fits_keyword='SWCREATE' )
class SBIGCCDOps(ImageSoftware): """ Represents software used to create images from the SBIG spectrometer. """ def __init__(self): bad_keys = [] fits_name = ['SBIG Win CCDOPS Version 5.47 Build 6-NT'] super(SBIGCCDOps, self).__init__("SBIG CCDOps", fits_name=fits_name, major_version=5, minor_version=47, bad_keywords=[], fits_keyword='SWCREATE') class Feder(object): """ Class encapsulating site, instrument, and software information for Feder Observatory. Attributes ---------- site : feder.FederSite instance instrument : dict Instruments available; key is name, value is an :py:class:`Instrument` software : dict Software available; key is name, value is an :class:`ImageSoftware` software_FITS_keywords : list of str FITS names of all software available. keywords_for_all_files keywords_for_light_files keywords_for_overscan """ def __init__(self): = FederSite() self._apogee_alta_u9 = ApogeeAltaU9() self._instrument_objects = [self._apogee_alta_u9] self.instruments = {} for instrument in self._instrument_objects: for name in instrument.fits_names: self.instruments[name] = instrument self._maximdl4 = MaximDL4() self._maximdl5 = MaximDL5() self._sbig_ccdops = SBIGCCDOps() self._software_objects = [self._maximdl4, self._maximdl5, self._sbig_ccdops] = {} self.software_FITS_keywords = [] for software in self._software_objects: for name in software.fits_name:[name] = software self.software_FITS_keywords.append(software.fits_keyword) self.software_FITS_keywords = list(set(self.software_FITS_keywords)) self._keywords_for_all_files = [] self._set_site_keywords_values() self._time_keywords_to_set() self._keywords_for_light_files = [] self._define_keywords_for_light_files() self._overscan_keywords = [] self._define_overscan_keywords() for key in chain(self.keywords_for_all_files, self.keywords_for_light_files, self.keywords_for_overscan): name = name = name.replace('-', '_') setattr(self, name, key) @property def keywords_for_all_files(self): """ List of :class:`~msumastro.header_processing.fitskeyword.FITSKeyword` s whose values need to be set for all image types. """ return self._keywords_for_all_files @property def keywords_for_light_files(self): """ List of :class:`~msumastro.header_processing.fitskeyword.FITSKeyword` s whose values need to be set only for light image types. """ return self._keywords_for_light_files @property def keywords_for_overscan(self): """ List of :class:`~msumastro.header_processing.fitskeyword.FITSKeyword` s related to overscan. """ return self._overscan_keywords def _define_keywords_for_light_files(self): RA = FITSKeyword(name='ra', comment='Approximate RA at EQUINOX', synonyms=['objctra']) Dec = FITSKeyword(name='DEC', comment='Approximate DEC at EQUINOX', synonyms=['objctdec']) target_object = FITSKeyword(name='object', comment='Target of the observations') hour_angle = FITSKeyword(name='ha', comment='Hour angle') airmass = FITSKeyword(name='airmass', comment='Airmass (Sec(Z)) at start of observation', synonyms=['secz']) altitude = FITSKeyword(name='alt-obj', comment='[degrees] Altitude of object, no refraction') azimuth = FITSKeyword(name='az-obj', comment='[degrees] Azimuth of object, no refraction') self._keywords_for_light_files.append(RA) self._keywords_for_light_files.append(Dec) self._keywords_for_light_files.append(target_object) self._keywords_for_light_files.append(hour_angle) self._keywords_for_light_files.append(airmass) self._keywords_for_light_files.append(altitude) self._keywords_for_light_files.append(azimuth) def _set_site_keywords_values(self): latitude = FITSKeyword(name="latitude", comment='[degrees] Observatory latitude', synonyms=['sitelat']) longitude = FITSKeyword(name='longitud', comment='[degrees east] Observatory longitude', synonyms='sitelong') obs_altitude = FITSKeyword(name='altitude', comment='[meters] Observatory altitude') latitude.value = longitude.value = obs_altitude.value = self._keywords_for_all_files.extend([latitude, longitude, obs_altitude]) def _time_keywords_to_set(self): LST = FITSKeyword(name='LST', comment='Local Sidereal Time at start of observation') JD = FITSKeyword(name='jd-obs', comment='Julian Date at start of observation') MJD = FITSKeyword(name='mjd-obs', comment='Modified Julian date at start of observation') self._keywords_for_all_files.extend([LST, JD, MJD]) def _define_overscan_keywords(self): overscan_present = FITSKeyword(name='oscan', comment='True if image has overscan region') overscan_axis = FITSKeyword(name='oscanax', comment='Overscan axis, 1 is NAXIS1, 2 is NAXIS 2') overscan_start = FITSKeyword(name='oscanst', comment='Starting pixel of overscan region') self._overscan_keywords.extend([overscan_present, overscan_axis, overscan_start])