Source code for msumastro.image

import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from astropy import wcs
from import fits

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ImageWithWCS(object): """ FITS image with WCS A FITS images with a few convenience methods defined, including easy access to WCS transforms. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to the FITS file. kwd : dict, optional All keywords are passed through to Attributes ---------- data header wcs """ def __init__(self, filepath, **kwd): self.fitsfile =, **kwd) self._wcs = wcs.WCS(self.header) @property
[docs] def header(self): """FITS header for this file""" return self.fitsfile[0].header
[docs] def wcs(self): """WCS object for this file""" return self._wcs
@property def data(self): """Image data; will be scaled by default using BZERO and BSCALE""" return self.fitsfile[0].data @data.setter
[docs] def data(self, array): """Set image data to numpy array""" self.fitsfile[0].data = array
[docs] def shift(self, int_shift, in_place=False): """ Shift image by an integer number of pixels without interpolation. Parameters ---------- int_shift : list-like of two integers Amount by which image should be shifted; floats will be rounded. in_place : bool, optional If ``True`` the image is shifted in place, and the wcs reference pixel is updated appropriately. Otherwise an array is returned that is shifted with no WCS information. Raises ------ ValueError If the shift is not by an integer amount. """ if (np.int32(np.array(int_shift)) != np.array(int_shift)).any(): raise ValueError('Shift must be integer amount!') res = ndimage.shift(, int_shift, order=0) if in_place: self.fitsfile[0].data = res # Indices for int_shift below ARE CORRECT because FITS axis # order is opposite that of numpy. self.header['crpix1'] += int_shift[1] self.header['crpix2'] += int_shift[0] self._wcs = wcs.WCS(self.header) res = None return res
[docs] def wcs_pix2world(self, pix, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around astropy.wcs function that handles a single tuple gracefully. Parameters ---------- pix : numpy array either of dimension 2 (e.g. [xpix, ypix]) or Nx2 Pixel positions at which sky coordinates should be calculated. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray with same shape as pix. Sky coordinates for each input pixel. """ return self._wcs_wrapper(pix, self.wcs.wcs_pix2world, **kwargs)
[docs] def wcs_world2pix(self, sky, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around astropy.wcs function that handles a single tuple gracefully. Parameters ---------- sky : numpy array either of dimension 2 (e.g. [xpix, ypix]) or Nx2 Pixel positions at which sky coordinates should be calculated. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray with same shape as sky. Pixel positions for each input sky coordinate. """ return self._wcs_wrapper(sky, self.wcs.wcs_world2pix, **kwargs)
def _wcs_wrapper(self, inp, transform, **kwargs): """"Actually handles the wrapping""" if not isinstance(inp, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('inp must be a numpy array') if inp.ndim == 1: use_pix = np.array(inp, ndmin=2) return_1d_array = True else: use_pix = inp return_1d_array = False ret = transform(use_pix, 1, **kwargs) # 1 bc it is a fits file if return_1d_array: ret = ret[0] return ret
[docs] def save(self, fname, clobber=False): """ Save FITS file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Name of the file to save to clobber : bool, optional Set to ``True`` to overwrite an existing file. """ self.fitsfile.writeto(fname, clobber=clobber)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the file associated with this FITS image.""" self.fitsfile.close()