Source code for msumastro.image_collection

import fnmatch
from os import listdir, path
import logging

import numpy as np
import as ma

from astropy.table import Table, vstack
import as fits

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ['ImageFileCollection']

[docs]class ImageFileCollection(object): """ Representation of a collection of image files. The class offers a table summarizing values of keywords in the FITS headers of the files in the collection and offers convenient methods for iterating over the files in the collection. The generator methods use simple filtering syntax and can automate storage of any FITS files modified in the loop using the generator. Parameters ---------- location : str, optional path to directory containing FITS files keywords : list of str or '*', optional Keywords that should be used as column headings in the summary table. If the value is or includes '*' then all keywords that appear in any of the FITS headers of the files in the collection become table columns. info_file : str, optional Path to file that contains a table of information about FITS files. Attributes ---------- location keywords files summary_info Raises ------ ValueError Raised if keywords are set to a combination of '*' and any other value. """ def __init__(self, location=None, keywords=None, info_file=None): self._location = location self._files = [] if location: self._files = self._fits_files_in_directory() self._summary_info = {} if keywords is None: keywords = [] if info_file is not None: try: info_path = path.join(self.location, info_file) except AttributeError: info_path = info_file try: self._summary_info =, format='ascii', delimiter=',') self._summary_info = Table(self._summary_info, masked=True) except IOError: if location: logger.warning('Unable to open table file %s, will try ' 'initializing from location instead', info_path) else: raise if keywords: self.keywords = keywords @property
[docs] def summary_info(self): """ astropy.table.Table of values of FITS keywords for files in the collection. Each keyword is a column heading. In addition, there is a column called 'file' that contains the name of the FITS file. The directory is not included as part of that name. """ return self._summary_info
[docs] def location(self): """ str, Path name to directory containing FITS files """ return self._location
@property def keywords(self): """ list of str, Keywords currently in the summary table. Setting the keywords causes the summary table to be regenerated unless the new keywords are a subset of the old. """ if self.summary_info: return self.summary_info.keys() else: return [] @keywords.setter
[docs] def keywords(self, keywords=None): # since keywords are drawn from self.summary_info, setting # summary_info sets the keywords. if keywords is None: self._summary_info = [] return logging.debug('keywords in setter before pruning: %s', keywords) # remove duplicates and force a copy new_keys = list(set(keywords)) logging.debug('keywords after pruning %s', new_keys) full_new_keys = list(set(new_keys)) full_new_keys.append('file') full_new_set = set(full_new_keys) current_set = set(self.keywords) if full_new_set.issubset(current_set): logging.debug('table columns before trimming: %s', ' '.join(current_set)) cut_keys = current_set.difference(full_new_set) logging.debug('will try removing columns: %s', ' '.join(cut_keys)) for key in cut_keys: self._summary_info.remove_column(key) logging.debug('after removal column names are: %s', ' '.join(self.keywords)) else: logging.debug('should be building new table...') self._summary_info = self._fits_summary(header_keywords=new_keys)
[docs] def files(self): """ list of str, Unfiltered list of FITS files in location. """ return self._files
[docs] def values(self, keyword, unique=False): """ List of values for a keyword. Parameters ---------- keyword : str Keyword (i.e. table column) for which values are desired. unique : bool, optional If True, return only the unique values for the keyword. Returns ------- list Values as a list. """ if keyword not in self.keywords: raise ValueError( 'keyword %s is not in the current summary' % keyword) if unique: return list(set(self.summary_info[keyword])) else: return list(self.summary_info[keyword])
[docs] def files_filtered(self, **kwd): """Determine files whose keywords have listed values. `**kwd` is list of keywords and values the files must have. The value '*' represents any value. A missing keyword is indicated by value '' Example: >>> keys = ['imagetyp','filter'] >>> collection = ImageFileCollection('test/data', keywords=keys) >>> collection.files_filtered(imagetyp='LIGHT', filter='R') >>> collection.files_filtered(imagetyp='*', filter='') NOTE: Value comparison is case *insensitive* for strings. """ # force a copy by explicitly converting to a list current_file_mask = list(self.summary_info['file'].mask) self._find_keywords_by_values(**kwd) filtered_files = self.summary_info['file'].compressed() self.summary_info['file'].mask = current_file_mask return filtered_files
def _table_from_fits_header(self, file_name, input_summary=None, missing_marker=None): """ Construct a table whose columns are the header keywords Parameters ---------- file_name : str Name of FITS file. input_summary : dict Existing dictionary to which new values should be appended. Returns ------- file_table : astropy.table.Table """ from collections import OrderedDict def _add_val_to_table(key, value, table, n_prev): try: table[key.lower()].append(value) except KeyError: table[key.lower()] = [missing_marker] * n_previous table[key.lower()].append(value) if input_summary is None: summary = OrderedDict() n_previous = 0 else: summary = input_summary n_previous = len(summary['file']) h = fits.getheader(file_name) assert 'file' not in h # Try opening header before this so that file name is only added if # file is valid FITS try: summary['file'].append(path.basename(file_name)) except KeyError: summary['file'] = [path.basename(file_name)] missing_in_this_file = [k for k in summary if (k not in h and k != 'file')] multi_entry_keys = {'comment': [], 'history': []} for k, v in h.iteritems(): if k == '': continue if k.lower() in ['comment', 'history']: multi_entry_keys[k.lower()].append(str(v)) # Accumulate these is a separate dictionary until the # end to avoid adding multiple entries to summary. continue else: val = v _add_val_to_table(k, val, summary, n_previous) for k, v in multi_entry_keys.iteritems(): if v: joined = ','.join(v) _add_val_to_table(k, joined, summary, n_previous) for missing in missing_in_this_file: summary[missing].append(missing_marker) return summary def _set_column_name_case_to_match_keywords(self, header_keys, summary_table): key_name_dict = {k.lower(): k for k in header_keys if k != k.lower()} for lcase, user_case in key_name_dict.iteritems(): try: summary_table.rename_column(lcase, user_case) except KeyError: pass def _fits_summary(self, header_keywords=None): """ Generate a summary table of keywords from FITS headers. Parameters ---------- header_keywords : list of str or '*', optional Keywords whose value should be extracted from FITS headers. Default value is ``None``. """ from astropy.table import MaskedColumn if not self.files: return None # Get rid of any duplicate keywords, also forces a copy. header_keys = set(header_keywords) header_keys.add('file') file_name_column = MaskedColumn(name='file', data=self.files) if not header_keys or (header_keys == set(['file'])): summary_table = Table(masked=True) summary_table.add_column(file_name_column) return summary_table summary_dict = None missing_marker = None for file_name in file_name_column: file_path = path.join(self.location, file_name) try: summary_dict = self._table_from_fits_header( file_path, input_summary=summary_dict, missing_marker=missing_marker) except IOError as e: logger.warning('Unable to get FITS header for file %s: %s', file_path, e) continue summary_table = Table(summary_dict, masked=True) for column in summary_table.colnames: summary_table[column].mask = [v is missing_marker for v in summary_table[column]] self._set_column_name_case_to_match_keywords(header_keys, summary_table) missing_columns = header_keys - set(summary_table.colnames) missing_columns -= set(['*']) length = len(summary_table) for column in missing_columns: all_masked = MaskedColumn(name=column, data=np.zeros(length), mask=np.ones(length)) summary_table.add_column(all_masked) if '*' not in header_keys: summary_table.keep_columns(header_keys) if not summary_table.masked: summary_table = Table(summary_table, masked=True) return summary_table def _find_keywords_by_values(self, **kwd): """ Find files whose keywords have given values. `**kwd` is list of keywords and values the files must have. The value '*' represents any value. A missing keyword is indicated by value '' Example: >>> keys = ['imagetyp','filter'] >>> collection = ImageFileCollection('test/data', keywords=keys) >>> collection.files_filtered(imagetyp='LIGHT', filter='R') >>> collection.files_filtered(imagetyp='*', filter='') NOTE: Value comparison is case *insensitive* for strings. """ keywords = kwd.keys() values = kwd.values() if (set(keywords).issubset(set(self.keywords))): # we already have the information in memory use_info = self.summary_info else: # we need to load information about these keywords. use_info = self._fits_summary(header_keywords=keywords) matches = np.array([True] * len(use_info)) for key, value in zip(keywords, values): logger.debug('Key %s, value %s', key, value) logger.debug('Value in table %s', use_info[key]) value_missing = use_info[key].mask logger.debug('Value missing: %s', value_missing) value_not_missing = np.logical_not(value_missing) if value == '*': have_this_value = value_not_missing elif value is not None: if isinstance(value, basestring): # need to loop explicitly over array rather than using # where to correctly do string comparison. have_this_value = np.array([False] * len(use_info)) for idx, file_key_value in enumerate(use_info[key]): if value_not_missing[idx]: value_matches = (file_key_value.lower() == value.lower()) else: value_matches = False have_this_value[idx] = (value_not_missing[idx] & value_matches) else: have_this_value = value_not_missing tmp = (use_info[key][value_not_missing] == value) have_this_value[value_not_missing] = tmp have_this_value &= value_not_missing else: # this case--when value==None--is asking for the files which # are missing a value for this keyword have_this_value = value_missing matches &= have_this_value # the numpy convention is that the mask is True for values to # be omitted, hence use ~matches. logger.debug('Matches: %s', matches) self.summary_info['file'].mask = ma.nomask self.summary_info['file'][~matches] = ma.masked def _fits_files_in_directory(self, extensions=None, compressed=True): """ Get names of FITS files in directory, based on filename extension. Parameters ---------- extension : list of str, optional List of filename extensions that are FITS files. Default is ``['fit', 'fits']`` compressed : bool, optional If ``True``, compressed files should be included in the list (e.g. `.fits.gz`) Returns ------- list *Names* of the files (with extension), not the full pathname. """ full_extensions = extensions or ['fit', 'fits'] if compressed: with_gz = [extension + '.gz' for extension in full_extensions] full_extensions.extend(with_gz) all_files = listdir(self.location) files = [] for extension in full_extensions: files.extend(fnmatch.filter(all_files, '*' + extension)) return files def _generator(self, return_type, save_with_name="", save_location='', clobber=False, do_not_scale_image_data=True, return_fname=False, **kwd): """ Generator that yields each {name} in the collection. If any of the parameters ``save_with_name``, ``save_location`` or ``clobber`` evaluates to ``True`` the generator will write a copy of each FITS file it is iterating over. In other words, if ``save_with_name`` and/or ``save_location`` is a string with non-zero length, and/or ``clobber`` is ``True``, a copy of each FITS file will be made. Parameters ---------- save_with_name : str string added to end of file name (before extension) if FITS file should be saved after iteration. Unless `save_location` is set, files will be saved to location of the source files `self.location` save_location : str Directory in which to save FITS files; implies that FITS files will be saved. Note this provides an easy way to copy a directory of files--loop over the {name} with `save_location` set. clobber : bool If ``True``, overwrite input FITS files. do_not_scale_image_data : bool If ``True``, prevents fits from scaling images. Default is ``{default_scaling}``. return_fname : bool, default is False If True, return the tuple (header, file_name) instead of just header. kwd : dict Any additional keywords are used to filter the items returned; see Examples for details. Returns ------- {return_type} If ``return_fname`` is ``False``, yield the next {name} in the collection ({return_type}, str) If ``return_fname`` is ``True``, yield a tuple of ({name}, `file path`) for next the item in the collection. """ # store mask so we can reset at end--must COPY, otherwise # current_mask just points to the mask of summary_info if not self.summary_info: return current_mask = {} for col in self.summary_info.columns: current_mask[col] = self.summary_info[col].mask if kwd: self._find_keywords_by_values(**kwd) for full_path in self._paths(): no_scale = do_not_scale_image_data hdulist =, do_not_scale_image_data=no_scale) return_options = {'header': hdulist[0].header, 'hdu': hdulist[0], 'data': hdulist[0].data} try: yield (return_options[return_type] # pragma: no branch if (not return_fname) else (return_options[return_type], full_path)) except KeyError: raise ValueError('No generator for {}'.format(return_type)) if save_location: destination_dir = save_location else: destination_dir = path.dirname(full_path) basename = path.basename(full_path) if save_with_name: base, ext = path.splitext(basename) basename = base + save_with_name + ext new_path = path.join(destination_dir, basename) if (new_path != full_path) or clobber: try: hdulist.writeto(new_path, clobber=clobber) except IOError: logger.error('Error writing file %s', new_path) raise hdulist.close() # reset mask for col in self.summary_info.columns: self.summary_info[col].mask = current_mask[col] def _paths(self): """ Full path to each file. """ unmasked_files = self.summary_info['file'].compressed() return [path.join(self.location, file_) for file_ in unmasked_files]
[docs] def headers(self, do_not_scale_image_data=True, **kwd): return self._generator('header', do_not_scale_image_data=do_not_scale_image_data, **kwd)
headers.__doc__ = _generator.__doc__.format(name='header', default_scaling='True', return_type='')
[docs] def hdus(self, do_not_scale_image_data=False, **kwd): return self._generator('hdu', do_not_scale_image_data=do_not_scale_image_data, **kwd)
hdus.__doc__ = _generator.__doc__.format(name='HDU', default_scaling='False', return_type='')
[docs] def data(self, do_not_scale_image_data=False, **kwd): return self._generator('data', do_not_scale_image_data=do_not_scale_image_data, **kwd)
data.__doc__ = _generator.__doc__.format(name='image', default_scaling='False', return_type='numpy.ndarray')